Did you hear the Conch Shell of the CSIFF?

Are you an indie film director and/or screenwriter? Are you from the Caribbean and its diaspora and you want to show your work? You can submit your film or your screenplay at the Conch Shell International Film Festival.

Created by actress/playwright/ director/producer Magaly Colimon-Christopher, this festival aims to “showcase the creative, bold voices of indie and student film artists of the Caribbean Diaspora and the Caribbean”. This 3-day online event will facilitate discussions between film lovers, film industry experts, and artists “to learn, share and celebrate films that inspire social change and challenge preconceptions about diverse, multicultural people”.

This 2021 edition is on the theme of "Hero & Shero". The festival is “seeking 1 minute-30 minute inspiring indie & student shorts and full-length screenplays that feature one or more types of heroes and/or sheroes - classic, tragic, superhero, everyday, real-life hero, mythical, folkloric, anti-heroes, etc”. Let your imagination run wild. Note that even films screened at other festivals are eligible for the Jury's Choice and Audience Choice awards. Full-length screenplays of up to 90 pages max. in any genre can also be submitted.

Where to submit? : conchshelliff.com or https://filmfreeway.com/CONCHSHELLIntFilmFest
Last day for submission: March 15th 2021

Feature films, workshops, meetings, and Master Classes will also be on the program. The CSIFF will take place online on May 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at www.filmocracy.com. For more information, you can visit the official website conchshelliff.com. What are you waiting for to answer the conch shell call?

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