Representing Caribbean Carnival in cinema
If it's important to document the various Caribbean carnivals to pass on the history and culture, it's also important to bring the mas to life through our film/TV productions. Here's a non-exhaustive list of films that feature a Caribbean carnival, either as a main theme or as an important cultural element in the story. Let me know in the comments if you know of any others!
“Goombay Kids” (2021) - watch the selection about Junkanoo with Mama D’Lo
“Coco-la-fleur Candidat” (1978) - watch for free
“Démaré Mas” (2021) - watch for free
“Gwadloup Comédie Carnaval” (1987) | watch for free
“30° couleur” (2012) - watch the trailer
Trinidad and Tobago
“After Mas” (2013) - watch online
“Bacchanal Time” (1978) - watch a 5 minute teaser
“Bazodee” (2016) - watch online | Karukerament podcast episode
“Moko Jumbie” (2021) - watch the trailer
“Play The Devil” (2016) - watch online (I do find it problematic, though. You need to watch it with a critical lens.)
Queen of Soca (?)