Special Edition - A guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television

Yé Moun La! This is my first special edition. I present you my guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television. It's a six-part series.

Yé Moun La! You're listening to Karukerament The English Version. This is a special edition. I present you my guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television. It's a six-part series. This is episode 1. When set up a story on this theme ?

Yé Moun La! You're listening to Karukerament The English Version. This is a special edition. I present you my guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television. It's a six-part series. This is episode 2. Where set up a story on this theme ?

Yé Moun La! You're listening to Karukerament The English Version. This is a special edition. I present you my guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television. It's a six-part series. This is episode 3. How to represent the persons living the colonies in the Americas?

Yé Moun La! You're listening to Karukerament The English Version. This is a special edition. I present you my guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television. It's a six-part series. This is episode 4. How to humanize the White slave owners? www.karukerament.com Opening and ending credits: Mano D'iShango feat.

Yé Moun La! You're listening to Karukerament The English Version. This is a special edition. I present you my guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television. It's a six-part series. This is episode 5. How violence is used to represent the power dynamics?

Yé Moun La! You're listening to Karukerament The English Version. This is a special edition. I present you my guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and television. It's a six-part series. This is episode 6. How sexual violence is used to represent the power dynamics?


Dossier #1 - representation of slavery mainly in TV fiction, 2016

Dossier #2 - music representation of slavery in the Americas, 2017

Bibliography and Academic works

BARTHELEMY Gérard, Le rôle des Bossales dans l'émergence d'une culture de marronnage en Haïti, 1997

BECKLES Hilary sir, Centering Woman: Gender Discourses in Caribbean Slave Societies, 1999

COTTIAS Myriam, CUNIN Elisabeth, ALMEIDA MENDES António de (dir.), Les traites et les esclavages, 2010

JONES Cecily, White Women in British Caribbean Plantation Societies (Topical Guide), 2016

LARCHER Syliane, L’autre citoyen, 2014

MICHELE Aurélia, Un monde en nègre et blanc, 2020

MIESCHER Stephan F., MITCHELL Michele, SHIBUSAWA Naoko (dir.), Gender, Imperialism and Global Exchanges, 2015

NICOLAS Thierry, A la poursuite du patrimoine Les lieux de mémoire de l’esclavage dans départements d’outre mer (DOM), 2009

PETRE-GRENOUILLAU Olivier, Traites négrières, essai d'histoire globale, 2004

PIERRE-LOUIS Jessica, Les Libres de couleur face au préjugé : franchir la barrière à la Martinique aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles , thèse soutenue en 2015

REGENT Frédéric, La France et ses esclaves, de la colonisation aux abolitions (1640 - 1848), (2007)

- Esclavage, métissage, liberté. La Révolution française en Guadeloupe, 2005

THOMAS Hugh, Traite des Noirs : histoire du commerce d'esclaves transatlantique de 1440-1870 (2006)

videography - films and tv shows mentioned in the special edition.

brazil - Films

Quilombo, Carlos Diegues (réal.), 1984

Xica, Carlos Diegues (réal.), 1976

brazil - telenovelas

A Escrava Isaura, 1976

Dona Beija, 1986

Xica Da Silva, 1996

Lado a Lado, 2013

united states - Films

Amistad, Steven Spielberg (réal.), 1997

Beloved, Jonathan Demme (réal.), 1998

Birth of a Nation, Nate Parker (réal.),

Mandingo, Richard Fleischer (réal.),1976

Twelve-years-a-slave, Steve McQueen (réal.), 2014

united states - tv shows

Roots (1977)

Underground (2016)

France - Films

Battledream Chronicle, Alain Bidard (réal.), 2015

Case Départ, Thomas Ngijol, Fabrice Éboué, Lionel Steketee (réal.), 2011

Trafik d’Info, Janluk Stanislas (réal.), 2005

La Montagne est verte, Jean Lehérissey (réal.), 1950

tv shows/Docufictions

Bois d’Ebène, Moussa Touré (réal.), 2016 - Ebony Wood

Joséphine Ange Gardien - Enfin Libres !, 2019 - Joséphine Guardian Angel

Madame Desbassyns - mythe et réalité d’une icône de l’esclavage, William Caly (réal.), 2015 - Mrs. Desbassyns, myth and reality of a slavery icon

Les Mariés de l’Isle Bourbon, Euzhan Palcy (réal.), 2006 - The married people of Bourbon Island

Tropiques Amers, Jean-Claude Barny (réal.), 2007 - Bitter Tropics

uk - Film

Belle, Amma Asante (réal.), 2013

uk - miniseries

The Book of Negroes, 2016

The Long Song, 2019


Lettre d’un magistrat de la Guadeloupe pour rendre compte de sa conduite, 1832

Nicola Lo Calzo, projet Cham

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database